Institute of Ocean Sciences, North Saanich, B.C., V8L 4B2 | |||
Station: | RACE ROCKS | ||
Observer: | Kendra Luckow | Jap | Month: March | |
YSI ID: | 23 | Year: 2024 | |
YSI | YSI | ||
Temp | Sal | ||
Day | Time | ºC | ppt |
1 | 1908 | 8.1 | 32.0 |
2 | 1901 | 8.2 | 31.0 |
3 | 2123 | 8.2 | 31.7 |
4 | 1602 | 8.2 | 31.5 |
5 | 1800 | 8.2 | 31.0 |
6 | 1000 | 8.1 | 31.5 |
7 | 1130 | 8.2 | 31.7 |
8 | 1200 | 8.4 | 31.2 |
9 | 1200 | 8.6 | 31.5 |
10 | 1300 | 8.7 | 31.9 |
11 | 1430 | 8.6 | 31.2 |
12 | 1630 | 8.7 | 32.3 |
13 | 1600 | 8.8 | 31.9 |
14 | 1700 | 8.7 | 31.5 |
15 | 1845 | 8.8 | 31.8 |
16 | 1845 | 8.9 | 30.5 |
17 | – | – | – |
18 | 1830 | 9.4 | 31.4 |
19 | 1100 | 9.0 | 31.4 |
20 | 1045 | 8.8 | 31.6 |
21 | 1105 | 8.9 | 31.6 |
22 | 1300 | 9.0 | 31.8 |
23 | 1310 | 8.9 | 31.8 |
24 | 1650 | 8.9 | 31.8 |
25 | 1512 | 8.8 | 32.2 |
26 | 1541 | 9.0 | 32.0 |
27 | 1612 | 9.1 | 32.0 |
28 | 1645 | 9.0 | 32.0 |
29 | 1721 | 9.1 | 32.1 |
30 | 1802 | 8.9 | 32.2 |
31 | 1849 | 9.2 | 31.9 |
Monthly Archives: March 2024
Happy Easter!
Race Rocks is famed for its biodiversity (have you checked out our extensive, illustrated taxonomy yet?) – so imagine my surprise when during my regular morning round I encountered a hitherto unspotted species…
Whilst our new visitors are cute, as an invasive species I was left with no choice but to take them away for further inspection, and, err, removal from the ecosystem…
Salinity Saturday
A relatively calm Saturday on the Rock provided ample opportunity to finish off various tasks I didn’t quite have the time to complete over the last week – including the monthly calibration of our salinity measurements. What’s that, you ask?
For decades, Race Rocks has been an important site for collecting seawater data – thus creating a valuable longitudinal data set. Every day at maximum flood,* a measurement is taken from the end of the jetty (lifejackets mandatory, especially in rough conditions!), recording both current salinity and temperature.
It’s a quick and straightforward process – submerge the probe to a depth of 1m / 3ft, wait for the readings to stabilise, and press ‘Enter’ to save the data. But it wasn’t always thus – and once a month, the Salinometre is calibrated using the ‘old method’ – i.e., collecting water with rope & bucket, transferring it to a beaker on the workbench, measuring temperature and specific gravity, and then working out salinity using the charts provided.
- Sample collection
- Measuring specific gravity
It’s a bit more complex than the digital measurement – but always reassuring to see the results align!
*or, historically, an hour before high tide
Ecological Notes:
- Sealion numbers continue to increase steadily, with nearly half a dozen naughty ones hauling out on the docks all day
Facility Work:
- Electric fence repairs, esp in SW sector
- Solar panel clean
- Weekly battery water topup
- Pressure washed approx 1/2 of paths
- Desalination
- Before the pressure wash…
- The heart of our renewable energy system
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- Numerous ecotourism vessels as the holiday weekend kicks off
- A lone visitor on a jetski – first time I’ve ever seen one in the reserve!
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past:
Topping up the Tanks
Race Rocks is an island without natural water sources – so every drop of water needs to be desalinated. It’s an elaborate process, usually producing no more than 1.5 litres per minute. Come along for a look behind the scenes!
First, we need to get lots of seawater into the main cistern, located between the lighthouse and the Keeper’s cottage. This involves running firehoses (the old Pearson College firefighting setup!) from the cistern down to the dock, and hooking it up to a portable generator (aka ‘the trash pump’).
- All set up and safely tied down
- Off we go!
It takes several hours to fill up the cistern – leaving plenty of time for step 2: the desalinator.
With a reverse osmosis system and secondary UV filter plus various pumps required for operation, running the desalinator is probably the single most energy-hungry task, taking baseline consumption from 1.3kW to a load of around 3.8kW: not something you want to risk on batteries alone! As a result, we try to desalinate as much as possible in the early afternoon hours on sunny days, when solar power generation can exceed 5kW. During the winter months and on grey days, the only option is the diesel generator – making every drop of water even more precious.
Once desalinated, the water is stored in a big white tank next to the desalination bunker, whence it is distributed to the residences, and filtered one more time before it comes out of the tap. There’s still quite a lot of sediment to be washed out, as you can see from the filters I changed this morning:
It’s been a busy day, but lots of tasks are now ticked off the list: thank you Cedric for coming out to help with a few things that required two pairs of hands!
Ecological Notes:
- One of the female elephant seals and the juvenile male returned to the island today.
- Cedric from Pearson College kindly came to help out with a few tasks
Facility Work:
- Set up firehoses & trash pump to fill central cistern
- Replace water filters in both dwellings
- Recycling and compost runs
- Topped up furnace tank in keepers’ house with 200l of diesel
- Moved large barrel of diesel to the generator room
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- The number of ecotourism vessels is clearly picking up ahead of the holiday weekend
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past:
The Nesting Season Begins
With the days getting longer and (in theory…) warmer, nesting activity is picking up – more and more seagulls continue to arrive to stake out their territory, collecting grass bedding and defending their budding nesting sites.
The Geese are well ahead, with three pairs already nesting – one right by the Keeper’s cottage, one just outside the generator room, and one at the back of the tank shed. Constant vigilance is required, however, lest a greedy seagull comes for the freshly laid eggs…
- A moment’s distraction…
- … and the seagull strikes.
Ecological Notes:
- The male elephant seal set off for his morning splash as usual, but didn’t return throughout the day. The more junior female has returned, resting all day on the rocks above the jetty.
- Cedrick’s planned visit postponed until tomorrow due to inclement weather conditions.
Facility Work:
- Work on perimeter fence where posts had been knocked over by wind / elephant seals
- Fixed doorframe to desalinator bunker which had snapped off
- Moved empty Diesel barrels to Tank Shed in preparation for tomorrow’s fuel transfers
- Begun mapping of load factors / electricity consumption of different appliances across the island
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- Quite a few ecotourism vessels all around the resort
- After SAR exercise north of Race Rocks
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past:
The Weekly Animal Census
Today, it was time for the weekly animal census on Race Rocks – a longstanding tradition (see the full archive, here) that allows us to keep track of an ever-fluctuating population of birds and marine mammals. The morning weather wasn’t particularly promising, with wind, rain, and dark overcast skies.
Combined with high tides and a rough sea state, perhaps it wasn’t entirely surprising that the numbers seemed a bit lower than usual – with the harbour seals in particular mostly hiding out in the waves surrounding the South Rocks, and thus rather tricky to count. Alas – who was about?
March 27th Animal Census
Oyster catcher: 22
Harlequin duck: 15
Gulls: 195
Cormorant: 73
Pigeon guillemot: 101
Juvenile eagle: 1
Adult eagle: 1
Canadian geese: 9
Shore / Surf birds: 15
Turnstones: 10
Marine Mammals:
Steller sea lions: 14
Harbour seal: 21
Male Elephant seal: 1 (back on land after a lengthy morning expedition)
Female elephant seal : 0
California sea lion: 24

The weather did eventually start to calm down a bit – still hopeful to catch my first RR sunset of the trip later tonight!
Facility Work:
- Weekly Animal Census
- Continued algae clean-up on Generator Roof
- Chopped Firewood
- Prepared new Water Filters for both the Keeper’s Residence and the Marine Science Building
- Early AM generator run to top up batteries, PM solar enough to reach charge status of 100%
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- 1 ecotourism vessel, passing between the South Islands and Rosedale Reef
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past:
Full Moon Tuesday
I woke up quite early this morning (not difficult when the seagulls keep jumping around on your roof, and the sea lions continuously bark at one another…!), and was rewarded with the most astonishing full moon:

The moon (!), the stars, and Race Rocks Lighthouse
The clear night translated into a beautiful sunny morning, so I headed up the ladder to the roof of the generator room to give the solar panels a good scrub and maximise energy generation…
… and duly managed to run the desalinator purely off solar power from just before noon until around 3:30, when the clouds started to fall in.
Ecological Notes:
- The juvenile male elephant seal continues to hang out on the island, whereas I didn’t spot either of the females all day.
- Sea lion numbers continue to increase steadily: it’ll be interesting what tomorrow’s census yields
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Facility Work:
- Solar Panel clean
- Stagnant Water removal and Anti-Algae Treatment of Generator Room roof to ensure it doesn’t become treacherous to work up there
- Topped up generator fuel
- Hoisted new flag
- After a long winter season at Race Rocks
- The new flag
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- No visits to the reserve
- Extensive coastguard exercises on both sides of the Strait
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past:
Back on the Rock!
Hello dear readers!
I’ve been lucky to come to Race Rocks on and off for just over twenty years – and there is still nothing quite like the magic of pulling out of Pedder Bay and first catching a glimpse of the lighthouse on the horizon.
I arrived yesterday afternoon to glorious sunshine and a warm welcome and handover from Kendra, and quickly felt at home once more amongst the island’s sights, sounds, (and smells!)
The weather had turned to grey and windy this morning – but who can worry about inclement conditions when there are boisterous sea lions going about their morning stomp down to the jetty for a quick dip?
The rest of the day was spent wandering around the island, re-familiarising myself with facilities and SOPs, and frequently just stopping for a moment to marvel. It’s great to be back!
Ecological Notes:
- Several orcas entered the reserve south of Great Race Rock, but didn’t stay for long or come in to feed.
- The lone juvenile male is now consistently joined by two females, with Petal continuing to enjoy demolishing any flowers she can find around the island.
- Spotted one of three currently resident sea otters.
- Greg and Cedric came on Second Nature to pick up Kendra and dropped off some fresh drinking water.
Facility Work:
- Handover inspection of facilities, fuel, water &c
- Checked Battery Acid levels and topped up as appropriate
- Setting up in the Keeper’s cottage
- Checked safety equipment (first aid kit, fire detectors & extinguishers, &c
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- 2 ecotourism vessels
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past:
Sunday Update
This morning’s sunrise made up for yesterday’s gloom. All 3 elephant seals are still on the island. I’ve nicknamed the smaller female “Petal” because every time I find her she is squashing a different bed of flowers. Tonight she settled on the largest patch of grape hyacinth behind the house, but not before flattening the majority of the remaining daffodils.
The darker of the new sea otters spent the morning around the South Island snacking on bright red urchins. It amazes me how they can make their way through the sharp spines and remain completely un-phased. I have not seen the little blonde one or Ollie this week.
This afternoon I counted 26 California sea lions on the rocks near the jetty. I know this number may seem low for anyone whose here at busier times of the year but until today the most I’ve seen is 10! There was also one large Steller who snuggled himself in amongst the significantly smaller California boys.
Lots of eagles around lately too!
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Grey and Rainy
Today was very grey and rainy but it didn’t stop the animals from showing off.
All 3 elephant seals (1 male, 2 females) are now on the main island. The smaller of the 2 females has been asleep in the grass behind the student house since last night. The larger one was chased up the boat launch by the male. For about 20 minutes he chased her around, lunging and throwing his head, grabbing her hind flippers and shaking them, both were very vocal. Since they are large and not so graceful this event (I’d call it a low-speed chase) involved lots of rest breaks. Finally the male made his way back to the water and the female found a place to sleep in the grass.
- An eventful pursuit
- Hiding from the action
The torrential downpour was the perfect opportunity to deep clean the main house. Between cleaning I spotted 2 transient orcas, as well as the darker of the new sea otters a little while later.
This place is pretty unbelievable even when the weather isn’t!
Facility Work: (today and yesterday)
- Cleaned solar panels
- Split wood
- Deep clean main house
- Cleaned windows of the main house inside and out
- Cleared boat launch of drift wood
- With the help of a very motivated Pearson student we also finished gardening around the old bricks at the base of the flywheel!
- I’m sure they stayed clean for at least 5 minutes!
- These bricks have stories to tell I’m sure!
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- Ecotourism vessels
Weather Events:
- Saturday, March 23:
- Sky: Dark cloudy skies, on and off heavy rain
- Wind: High of WNW 10 knots, Low of ESE 1 knot
- Sea: Calm
- Temperature: Low 8oC, High 10oC
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: