NEWS/ MEDIA Reports 2000- current



Plastic band removed from neck of Greater Victoria sea lion Goldstream Gazette Sept 10, 2020



Superpod of Orcas congregate near Vancouver Island. Victoria News Sept 7, 2020



Sooke Whale Watching spots a huge gathering of whales Oak Bay News Nov 5, 2019




Sea lion caught in plastic rescued off Race Rocks. CHEK News  Sept 21, 2019 ( VIDEO) 




Steller Sea Lion with plastic around neck rescued.. Goldsteream Gazette Sept 22, 2019



Oil cleanup near Island impossible much of the year TC May 2019

From The Times Colonist -Island Voices: May 26 2017 


Sailor gets big-time rescue after running aground south of Victoria.  Dec 7 2017


Navy and Whale watcher problems TC Sept.2017



Dangers of a humpback comeback- Times Colonist August 2017




Humpback whale struck by boat spotted on a roll TC August 13 2017



‘Rare’ humpback collisions more likely as population rebounds: expert-august 11 2017



Whale watching boat Collides with humpback whale near Race Rocks August 8  2017



JUNE 2017 Feds plan extra protection to critical Island Ocean Sites


Our History: British Seapower helped build the island  Times Colonist February 5 2017

“As shipping in Juan de Fuca Strait increased with colonial development, particularly at the time of the Fraser gold rush, many marine tragedies occurred on the south end of Vancouver Island. Already in 1846, Captain Kellett, on survey in the Herald, warned about Race Rocks as “this dangerous group … for the tide makes a perfect race around it.” Many merchant vessels came to grief nearby, with heavy loss of life.”

Rescue Society Always there to help: 



Victoria dive club members rescued after boat capsizes





Missing Divers found safe near Race Rocks Times Colonist June 6, 2015





Race Rocks Advisers Push For Protection

Victoria Times Colonist, Aug 18,2011



Ryan and Raisa
On Guard at Race Rocks
Goldstream News Gazette Published: January 14,



Race Rocks weather makes the CBC Weather Network, January 18, 2015



British Columbia Rare Bird Alert, Dec 29 2014





The Tidal Current Turbine Energy Project in the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Erika Lee Brown March 2013 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada



Lighthouse team disputes right to sell
 Race Rocks operators say beacons not owned by federal government TIMES COLONIST Dec 24, 2010
Also carried in the Regina Leader Post and as “Feds’ lighthouse sell-off program hits dark patch” in the Vancouver Sun , The Province , The Montreal Gazette, Global TV, The Calgary Herald ,and the Saskatoon Star Phoenix.and The Windsor Star.

Also see this file on Lighthouse disposal: Feds’ lighthouse sell-off program hits dark patch
The Province: December 23, 2010




Opinion Column : Goldstream Gazette: Lighthouses Part of Canada’s Culture : November 11, 2010




Senators Want Just The Facts: Times Colonist November 12, 2010




Groups Struggle to Save Light houses : Victoria News, November 12/15/2010





Island Tides

Senate Committee Probes Lighthouses: Patrick Brown in Island Tides Nov 25-Dec.8, 2010





Keep Lighthouse keepers , Senate urges:
Ryan Murphy is more than a lighthouse keeper, he’s also the guardian of the marine protected area on Race Rocks, B.C., experienced in search-and-rescue operations, and a curator of data about the area’s infrastructure, climate and ecosystem.




Goldstream Gazette articleFor sale: one 150-year-old lighthouse
Race Rocks 150-year-old lighthouse had a facelift and paint job last year.
The colonial-era stone building is on the list of surplus properties the federal government wants to sell.
By Edward Hill – Goldstream News Gazette
Published: June 11, 2010 2:00 PM




Newspaper Version Wednesday, June 16, 2010
sea lion rescueDec 21,09 Times Colonist Coverage of the rescue:
Rescue frees Steller sea lion tethered for days to Race Rocks, unable to feed


Dec 21,09 CBC News Coverage of the rescue Sea lion rescued off Vancouver Island Entangled in rope


Dec 26,09 article in Goldstream Gazette based on R.Murphy interview :Daring Sealion Rescue at Race Rocks

wind buoy in Times Colonist


Sidney firm deploys world’s first wind buoy :




Times Colonist,October 28, 2009injured sea lion

Linked in article in T C about research on study about saving sea lions.




neck ring on sea lionOctober 29,2009 Linked in article of Times Colonist on Sea Lions injured by debris,boats





.tower restoration news Saving an Aging West Coast Icon

Goldstream Gazette, 06/09/2009tcelseal




First elephant seal born at Race Rocks, Times Colonist, Feb 1, 2009 and Vancouver Sun Feb 1, 2009 see this pdf of the story: tcelsealNEWS RELEASE




After Nearly 10 Years – Heritage Lighthouse Bill Passes
May 7, 2008.



A beacon of hope for Race Rocks
Carney tries again to win protection for prize lighthouses now withering away





Race Rocks The Ecology of Eden , In Flight Review March-2008





Prime Minister Stephen Harper visits Race Rocks and Pearson College for an “ecoenergy announcement”. January 19, 2007




The Times Colonist acknowledges the high wind speed in a devastating storm that struck Vancouver Island .. Dec 15, 2006..

This link has images of the atmospheric data as well



.Bringing MPAs Online: The Use Of Webcams For Education, Monitoring, And Other Purposes
… MPA NEWS  Vol. 8, No. 5  November 2006




“Web Cams Gone Wild “by Sandy Bauers for the Philadelphia Inquirer.Mon April 24, 2006



Below is a quote from this story which was picked up by other newspapers listed below in the following weeks..
“Other places – like the Race Rocks islands in British Columbia, north of Washington state – are too environmentally sensitive for hordes of humans, trampling the flora and scaring the fauna. Its cameras provide minimal-impact tourism.”
Dallas Fort Worth, Channel 8
Webcams offer instant fix for wildlife voyeurs “(carried the same article as above)San Jose


Witness wildlife flourishing
Monday,May 15 by Sandy Bauers (carried the same article as above)
Calgary Herald Monday, May 15, 2006 (carried the same article as above)



Pam Birley of Leicester England was interviewed by the Province newspaper about her wildlife viewing on
ref: Anderson, Charlie, “Live Wildlife for your Living Room ,
The Province, Vancouver, B.C. ( Sunday, Nov.21, 2004
The Danish language version of this article is published in the Journal “Geografisk Orientering” Included here is also an English Version:




February 25, 2005 .. Television and Newspaper Coverage of The Pearson College, ENCANA, CLEAN CURRENT Tidal Power Demonstration Project at Race Rocks...Tide Turns for Power, and for Young Minds: Pearson College, Partners Apply Current Thinking. (Times Colonist)



cameras.jpgWatching over Race Rocks: An article on Race Rocks by Kerry McArthur in the Winter 2004 edition of Energy magazine

 Wins Prestigious Educational Award--Originally published in the Pearson College Newsletter, THE LINK September 17, 2004. Link no.66. 



July 21, 2004: The Goldstream Gazette carries the announcement of the Commonwealth of Learning Award for Educational Excellence in Distance Education Materials




In June of 2002, The APPLE LEARNING INTERCHANGE OPENED THE NEW GALLERY OF FEATURED EXHIBITS . Race Rocks has been included on the ALI website as one of their exhibits. (link no longer available)




Paul Kennedy, host of the CBC program “Ideas” produced a special series on The OCEANS for the CBC program “IDEAS” that was aired in February, 2002. This is the excerpt recorded on Race Rocks





USANDO Internet para Proteccion Ecologica (en Espanol)Usando internet para protección ecológica






Education & Technology
Case Study – and Research in Real Time
Fall/Automne 2001: GarryFletcher




Race Rocks Reserve Expanded , Times Colonist 13.02.2001 –Race Rocks was officially announced as provincial territory, with an expanded ecological reserve.




In this issue of Apple eNews, see item number 5,
The Call of the Wild”
November 16, 2000 Volume 3, Issue 25
(no longer available)

MPA Update: Race Rocks to become Canadas first MPA-Oct 2000

MPA Enforcement Strategies:  (cameras at Race Rocks)


Mapping and MPAs: Practitioners Work to Define Resources, Boundaries – May 2000 (Marc Pakenham quoted)

( see copy here)


Islands in the Video Stream :
A feature article on Apple’s Hotnews page
– Oct. 2000 ( no longer available)

But see Witnessing the Wonders of the Race Rock Eco-system in “Teach”



The Project featured on the Apple Education-Canada web-site Sept. 12/2000 (article no longer available)





Interview by CBC reporter Loreen Pindera (PC year 3) with Garry Fletcher on the use of the internet and technology for conservation of a fragile ecosystem –Sept 16/2000




From the Victoria Times Colonist, March 5, 2000, an article by Gil Parker on Lester Pearson College and Race Rocks




Race Rocks, A Legacy for the Future. From the Metchosin Muse, March, 2000, the cover story by Joan Gilbert on the MPA and the opening of





Race Rocks hits the Internet -Times Colonist , March 12 2000





BBC interviewNOVEMBER 1997 – An interview with the BBC on the Future of an Internet network for Race Rocks




Recent Posts

Wildlife Census

We’ve been hearing Elephant Seal vocalizations at night, but haven’t seen anyone lurking around on the boat ramp. After taking the Race Rocks boat ‘Neighbor’ for a rip we spotted this cutie hiding at the summit of Middle Rock. Courtney used the ‘socketed’ pectoral flipper to differentiate the elephant seal from the surrounding sea lions. After that she started making visits to the boat ramp first thing in the morning. Not pregnant, didn’t give birth, just hanging around.

Female Elephant Seal wallowing at the jetty.

Female Elephant Seal complaining about the noise at Middle Rocks to the NW.

We also got a California Sea Lion hanging out next to the crane with a red flipper tag on his right flipper. We haven’t been able to figure out what this tag identifies yet.

California Sea Lion with a red tag in his ‘flipper-pit’.


No number or identification, just a red clip.


The coveted ‘end of the jetty’ position is all about leverage, and not letting anyone new join the party.


  • Stellar Sea lions: 126
  • California Sea lion: 153
  • Harbour Seal: 48
  • Northern Elephant Seal: 1


  • Gulls: 45
  • Cormorants: 38
  • Eagle: 1 Adult, 2 Juvenile
  • Turnstones: 14
  • Canada Geese: 5 – 2 breeding pairs
  • Oystercatcher: 22
  • Pigeon Guillemots: 26


  • Recreation Salmon Fishing: 18
  • Tourism: 4
  • Sailboats: 4

Weather must be improving as we’re seeing more sailboats cruising around the Juan de Fuca.

The Stellers diminished this week and started using the fringes after the sea lion pileup from last week.

I try to remember to include the Bald Eagles, they’ve been pretty lazy these days.

Kayaking the rapids at Race Rocks looks pretty fun.

A log kept bumping into her butt and making her angry. Hard life of an Elephant Seal.


  1. Wildlife Census Comments Off on Wildlife Census
  2. Census + Spring has sprung! Comments Off on Census + Spring has sprung!
  3. Animal Census Comments Off on Animal Census
  4. Animal Census Comments Off on Animal Census
  5. Frost! Comments Off on Frost!
  6. All systems still nominal Comments Off on All systems still nominal
  7. All systems nominal Comments Off on All systems nominal
  8. West Wind Comments Off on West Wind
  9. GPS Tagged California Sea Lion Comments Off on GPS Tagged California Sea Lion