Rainfall as an Abiotic Factor at Race Rocks

Rainfall  at Race Rocks. Recorded by a Davis Instruments tipping bucket rain gauge. These graphs are made possible by the website victoriaweather.ca

Hourly Rainfall today at Race Rocks



Rainfall for the past week at Race Rocks



Rainfall for the past month

Rainfall for 2020 at Race Rocks



Rainfall graph for 2019

Rainfall graph for 2018

Rainfall graph for 2017


2016 Rainfall for 2016
NOTE MISSING DATA in 2016 due to equipment failure
2015: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) 2014: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) 2013: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) 2012: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) 2011: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) 2010: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) 2009: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) Note : Jan to July.. equip failure. 2008: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) equipment failure gives blank records for several days 2007: Monthly Totals are shown. ( Includes data and graphs at this site.) Equip failure February March and part of April of 2007 2006: Monthly Rain Totals (includes data and graphs for part of 2006:  

Extreme values since 2006




The Adaptations and Response of Organisms to the Abiotic factor of Rainfall

Canada geese are dependant on the availability of fresh water at Race Rocks. During the winter, the higher level rock pools are refreshed by rainfall. There is no other natural source of water on the island. By the time their eggs hatch in June, most of the pools have dried up, so they have to take their young off the island and over to the mainland. They may make it past the eagles….(Photo by PB)

Juvenile bald eagles in very wet weather.( Photo by Pam Birley)
The availability of water for vegetation on Race Rocks has major implications for the species of plants which can survive on the island. Not only do they have to survive dessication from salt spray, but abundant water in the winter months and almost a total lack of water from June to September. One of the best grasses to tolerate these conditions is Fescue. Here you can see it growing on the natural rock outcrops on the island. 

Go to this exercise on the Water Cycle , along with other biogeochemical cycles.

Other references:  Google Climate change and Rainfall patterns

Global warming already changing rainfall... 

Wetland Conservation – Threatened by Climate Change

Rainbow West of Great Race Rocks from the remote camera 5. Image by Garry Fletcher,

Recent Posts

Animal Census

I guess that counts as winter storms…

Looking south from the Lighthouse.

We got some spicy winds and the temperature dropped out from January 30 – February 5th. With the storms came the California Sea Lions en masse: going from 58 the previous count to 168. The Jetty must be much nicer than wherever their feeding grounds are.


Temperature trends for the week.

Wind data in Km/hour. A little spicy.

I am pretty impressed with the tourism operators that visit Race Rocks: I would have assumed anything over 35 knots would make for a bad day to visit, but we maxed out with 6 tourism vessels visiting the Sea Lions and Birds of Race Rocks, even during the worse day of winds we got this week. We also got a visit by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, doing a patrol of the Ecological Preserve and ensuring the tourism vessels didn’t disturb the Sea Lions.

Wind and current working against each other can make for some lumpy wildlife viewing.

First time I’ve ever seen Sombrio Point visit Race Rocks.

Time to hide from the wind and waves.

As for Race Rocks proper things have been pretty chill. There isn’t much of a stockpile of firewood, so we’ve been scavenging any bits of wood on the island to keep warm when the winds blowing. Hopefully warm weather is coming, or we’d take some evil North wind to deliver us some new fire wood.

Scrounging for any wood to keep things from freezing.


  • Stellar Sea lions: 70
  • California Sea lion: 168
  • Harbour Seal: 22
  • Sea Otter: 1 (Ollie?)


  • Gulls: 55
  • Cormorants: 30
  • Eagle: 4 Adult, 5 Juvenile
  • Turnstones: 14
  • Canada Geese: 8 – 4 breeding pairs trying to hunker down
  • Oystercatcher: 25
  • Pigeon Guillemots: 45


  • Tourism: 6
  • Private: 0
  • Government: 1

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